About Head Start Preschool

Head Start Preschool is a quality early childhood education program for pregnant moms and parents with babies ranging in age from birth to 3-years-old.
Learning from Day 1 - Research shows the most important times of your child’s development happens while they are in the womb and continues through age 5. Head Start Preschool helps to develop your child’s mind, emotions and social skills. Head Start Preschool prepares you and your child for a lifetime of learning through prenatal education, health resources, problem solving activities and social skill building. Parents are their child’s first teacher, and the home is the baby’s first classroom. During the first year, our teachers will assist you and your infant at home to work on activities to increase your child’s learning.
Children Learn with Others - Through positive relationships and interacting with other children, Head Start Preschool increases your child’s growth. We use supervised learning activities with other children their age at our early education schools. Parents and guardians may also interact with teachers and other parents to form valuable relationships. Head Start Preschool accepts and values all children and treats them all equally.
Parents are Supported - We listen to parents and guardians and empower them to be even greater leaders of their child’s education. We have a network of resources including Children’s Hospital and Healthy Moms & Babies available to you and your family. Also, the Community Action Agency can provide home energy assistance, emergency services, job search assistance and more to eligible households.
Head Start Preschool supports pregnant moms with:
Prenatal education
Nutrition counseling
Personal home visits
Childbirth education
Information about growth, development & health
Breastfeeding education
Newborn care classes
Parenting classes
Fatherhood education
Fun activities like baby shower bingo, infant massage and more
Head Start Preschool is available to:
Pregnant moms and/or parents with children from birth to age 3
Residents of Hamilton County
Income-eligible households
To get more information or to enroll, call 513.569.4510.